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Animal Case

Essay by   •  April 21, 2013  •  Essay  •  700 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,400 Views

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How would you feel, to think your only purpose is to be an experiment? How would you feel to not have any freedom, to be locked in a cage, day after day? The issue for this article I have chosen was the use of animal testing in research, if animals should be tested or not in the UK.

Animal testing has happened for a long time, for medicine, cosmetics, and other reasons. This is a problem in the UK because according to the article, "the number of animal experiments rose to a record high in Britain last year - a 40 per cent rise over the last decade" (Davis). In this article, people who are for it are scientists and people who are against it are animal rights activists. The people who argued in this situation were the UK government, Alistair Currie, "Hugh Daley" (a fake name), but mainly Currie and Daley. The UK government is now looking at how to reduce testing on animals.

Alistair Currie, who is against animal testing and works for PETA (People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals), argues that "...90 per cent of medicines that pass tests on animals fail in people, either because they aren't safe or don't work. That's an enormous waste of money, animal lives, scientific resources and hope" (Davis). Then there is Hugh Daley who is a researcher that thinks people should get past the image that these tests are always torturing animals and that this is necessary for science. He argues that "everything is done in agreement with stringent ethics and guideline to eliminate unnecessary suffering" (Davis).

Some people disagree with animal testing because they are animal lovers and they believe it is wrong to abuse animals for research, this is a social factor. It is a political issue because the government is making laws and policies about what they can do to animals; some thinks these rules should be stricter. If laws are stricter, scientists would have a harder time and would probably take longer to do research. Britain can also have power if they allow research and testing because other countries might not. For economics, companies want to test medicines. If companies are spending money on all this testing they can be wasting it if animal testing doesn't work. All of this can affect people by how medicines can get tested or cures can be found to help people around the world.

In my opinion, animal testing kills helpless animals. They have feelings like human beings. Most animals have similar DNA to us. We, the people, love animals. We take care of them feed, support, and love them. The people around the world think it's cruel what they do to animals, the way they treat those animals by just putting them in a cage and doing surgery on them. I think for people around the world there would be madness without animals. How would we learn to care and love each other? Economically it will waste scientists' money because like what Currie said most



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