Analytic Hierarchy Process
Essay by pochyao • November 3, 2013 • Essay • 758 Words (4 Pages) • 1,640 Views
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was developed to aid decision makers to rank or sort information based on a number of criteria. It was developed by Thomas L. Saaty in the 1970s and has been extensively studied and refined since then. This method allows judgments on groups of decision alternatives to be made; it also offers a measure of uncertainty in the final results. It has particular application in group decision making, and is used around the world in a wide variety of decision situations, in fields such as government, business, industry, healthcare, and education. There are three significant steps when doing the AHP. State the objective. Define the different criteria the analyst would like the object or action to possess. Pick the alternatives. The analyst should then put their decision problems into a hierarchy of distinguishable and comprehensible sub problems after accomplishing the first three steps before the data gathered is evaluated. Then one should analyze each of the aspects by correlating them to one another after making the hierarchy. With the data comparisons, the analyst will then use concrete data about the elements, but they typically use their judgments about the elements' and importance.
The Analytic Hierarchy Process is aneffective decision making method because it takes into account the criteria you rank higher. For a very understandable example,a family decides to buy a car. Of course, there are a lot of cars to choose from as there as a lot of car brands and different styles and types. Using the AHP, the family would need to consider a lot of things since they are a family. They would consider the style, the quality, how many passengers would fit, the color and so much more. Each car has different levels of each quality mentioned. Some qualities would be higher than the other. There are so many alternatives but in the end, they would pick the one that has qualities that most reach their preferences.Instead of just coming up with just one answer, the Analytical Hierarchy Process helps decision makers find different alternatives and help the decision maker find the best one that reaches their preference. It is a rational way to represent the different elements of a problem which will help any decision maker to find the best alternative of his/her needs.
The Analytic Hierarchy Process is very hard to use. I tried and failed to answer a problem I found. The Eigenvector is the hardest part when I tried answering the problem. I don't know if I don't get the process or the problem I got was just really hard.Actually, I also had a hard time with the table as I was confused with the columns and where some values were gotten from. This lesson was taught to us in just one meeting which is a really short time considering the level of difficulty and complications of this process in solving. I found the process very complicated. I understood the concept and what it means to use this kind of process