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Analaytical of Dangers of Cell Phones and Driving

Essay by   •  April 2, 2012  •  Case Study  •  800 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,141 Views

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Name: Stephen Shmel

Class: ENG 101

Date: 2/25/ 2012

Title of paper: EGL 101 Analytical Essay Final Draft

After viewing the YouTube video "Dangers of cell phones and driving" the director of the video used two main persuasive techniques to get the message across to his/her audience. The purpose of directing this video was to advertise for a law office Koonz, McKinney, Johnson, DePaolis & Lightfoot, while the video primarily explains the dangers of cell phone use and driving. The video makes logical appeal through speech. The spokesperson for the company is dressed like she is someone of power, therefore the audience will automatically draw their attention to what she has to say. Compared to other videos on the same topic, the visual techniques used in the video are not nearly as graphic.

The director used factual data as the main technique to "scare the audience" out of using mobile phones and driving. This was effective to the audience because it opens your eyes as a viewer. Knowing all these statistics after watching the video generally would decrease viewer's chances of using a mobile phone and driving.

In the video, the director used a representative from their law office, Julie Heiden, to make factual statements. Drivers are more likely to pay attention to the road after Heiden makes the statement, "Cell phone use can result in fatal car accidents." She also states, "Drivers are distracted visually and mentally while using a cell phone and driving." Heiden also states, "Cell phone use is just as dangerous as an intoxicated person behind the wheel and "Cell phone use directly affects the vehicles operator reaction time negatively. These statements appealed to me as a vehicle operator, and as a viewer of the video, because I now realize the dangers of cell phone use and driving.

Using statistics Heiden also states, 81 % of people admit to using a mobile device while driving. She explains that 52% of 16-17 year olds admit to using a cellphone on the road. Heiden also states that 25% of 16-17 year olds admit to texting and driving" and that passengers from the ages of 12-17 have been in a car while the driver was texting." This technique proved to be more effective because knowing statistics can intervene in a vehicle operator's choice to become distracted by mobile technology.

The director expended limited visual images to appeal to the audience however the images were placed in the video at all the correct times. There were pictures of automobile accidents and a photo of EMS team assisting what seemed to be a fatal car accident due to cell phone use and driving. After viewers see these two photographs, reality sets in because viewers recognize how



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