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All About Me Case

Essay by   •  April 29, 2013  •  Essay  •  265 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,337 Views

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While it may be true that there are many reasons in favor of allowing women in combat, there are certainly as many arguments of why they should be excluded from fighting. The main argument that most people make is that a women's biology limits strength and cannot compete with men on the field of battle. People also say that women do not possess the same abilities that men have which are necessary for fighting in combat. According to Heather MacDonald "Any claim that our fighting forces are not reaching their maximum potential because females are not included is absurd. The number of women who are the equal to reasonably well-developed men in upper-body strength and who have the same stamina and endurance is vanishingly small." (Frumin). Clearly women would have a hard time carrying and handling heavy military equipment and would struggle to pick up wounded soldiers that need to be carried off of the battlefield. Another argument people make is that it will place a burden on military leaders to separate men and women during sustained and/or fast paced missions. According to Jerry Boykin many people do not realize that soilders "are often in sustained operations for extended periods, during which they have no base of operations nor facilities. Their living conditions are primal in many situations with no privacy for personal hygiene or normal functions" (Frumin). Obviously, this would present an unsustainable hardship for most women in combat. Overall fighting in combat is a mans job and considering these arguments it is evident women should not fight in combat.



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