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Alcoholism and Addiction Among Indian Communities

Essay by   •  April 14, 2013  •  Essay  •  977 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,609 Views

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The Indians has been on this world for a long time and have encountered a lot of hardship while living on this earth. Indians are said to be the highest abusers of alcohol in the world. This has been going on for a very long; since around 1492. They used it for many of reasons to help them in their everyday lives.

Who introduced Indians to alcohol?

It was said that most of the indigenous people from North America didn't possess any type of alcohol. They were introduced to alcohol by the Europeans who arrived to their land in the Western Hemisphere. The only Indians that knew about alcohol or even consumed it were the ones living in the southwestern United States near Mexico who used alcohol for many things including things like celebration or rituals. The Native Americans had started drinking because of the changes that was made to their lives brought about by the arrival of other overseas people. Somewhere along the timeframe Native Americans Indians were being called "drunken Indians". This name was given to preclude that the Indians suffered more than they could handle along with high consumption of the liquor. Liquor was just the starting cause of their problems and more was to come.

Why did Indians start drinking?

The Indians who used alcohol before 1492 fermented their beverages for specific rituals. The Tepehuanes and Tarahumaras Indians from the northern Mexico used alcohol for specific reasons. They fermented corn to produce tesvino. The tesvino was used or consumed at cere-monies that marked the important days of their lives. Alcohol was given to their children when they reached a certain age. This was to signify that they were about to enter into adulthood and drinking alcohol marks important times of their life during the rituals. The Pimas and Papagos Indians really did not consume alcohol; they stuck to their old traditional ways by using a sagua-ro cactus and extracting the intoxicating juices and using it as part of their ritual. They used this drink as a divine force to bring rain into world. In doing this it helped them decide how much cactus liquor should be drunk for the year. When they did that they would become intoxicated to the point that they didn't know what was going on. The Aztecs Indians drank pulque made from a maguey plant out of Mexico, which is another form of alcohol. There are a lot of Indians still believed to be drinking too much alcohol which is very bad for them. They believed that whoev-er drank alcohol gained some type of power. The Mayas Indians used balche from bark and honey as a type of alcoholic mixture.

The effects that it has on the body

A lot of Indians drink so much that they don't realize or understand the effect that it hav-ing on their body. There is still no clear explanation for why Indians drink so much or



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