Advertising Green
Essay by Stella • March 27, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,107 Words (5 Pages) • 1,626 Views
Advertising Green
Heidi Bell
University of Phoenix
July 20, 2009
Advertising Green
When the Industrial movement started, there was no concern or thought as to how it would affect the planet Earth as a whole. As machines started to dominate the workforce and companies disposed the waste that was produced into either the atmosphere or water, society started to get sick, even die. Print media would advertise these large company's products; write reviews on how the machine is here to stay with no repercussions. These advertisements would state that this is the best thing ever, until a small group of people started protesting to how these companies were abolishing the planet. Now in the 21st century, society has taken a turn to be eco friendly and the print media is following as it slowly expires as a part of the communication world. "From the cities we live in, the cars we drive, and the office environments we work in, to the way we travel, the consumer choices we make, and the politicians we elect, green considerations have become a major factor in our decision-making." (Green Media Enterprises, 2009). Consumers, social responsibility and work ethics are now playing a major role in the age of Green Advertising.
Social Response
Is it the media's responsibility to let the public sector know about Global Warming? In some countries, if a journalist blows the whistle on how a government disposes of hazardous materials, that journalist is either jailed or executed. If it wasn't for the media, then how would the public sector know about pollution and what ozone layers are? Protestors can only scream and march for so long. With out the voice of the media, the world would not know that the Earth is coming to a blinding end faster than anticipated. So when society see's an advertisement for energy efficient cars or to put litter in its place, the media is accepting its social responsibility with a just reminder for society to then play its part. Billboards may now be light up with efficient advertising screaming across its face in full motion while energy saving cars are tooling down the highway that has been built from reused tires from the gas hogs. This is telling the media that the messages it has placed in the minds of the consumer are working.
Mind or Matter
The consumer makes a great deal of decisions. "While the ravenous and the persuadables both have a big appetite for media and its influence, their appetites regarding purchase decisions still fluctuate by merchandise category." (Pilotta, Joe, 2006). Consumer decisions are driven by what his or her mind understands. As society starts to conceive the concept of a more ecological safe environment, media advertising pushes that concept through in a more understand economical point of view. Purchase environment safe cleaning products; just to try it the companies will give the consumer a coupon to save them a few cents. Electric companies will share some of the burden cost to put solar panels on the house by offering rebates. When taxes are due on April 15th, home owners are also getting a tax reduction for energy efficient products that was put in place while remodeling or building with green recycled products. This is all decisions may by that consumer through advertising read in a news paper or a review in some magazine.