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Active Participation Strategies - Ddi

Essay by   •  August 13, 2011  •  Essay  •  373 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,063 Views

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Active Participation Strategies

Response Boards

How it works: Write their response on a white individual board and raise it.

Procedures: Every day student has a white board, marker, and eraser. The students write at the same time their responses and wait until everyone is done. Teacher checks for understanding

When it is appropriate: In large and small groups and Kindergarten to 5th grades.

Turn & Talk

How it works: Sharing ideas in small groups

Procedures: noise level, numbering off, teacher gives prompt or topic, timing, expectations

When it is appropriate: Throughout the lesson cycle

Activ Votes

How it works: Clickers with multiple choice buttons connected to Activ Board

Procedures: Students pass our clickers, wait for teacher instructions on when to vote.

When it is appropriate: Math, science, application level, LA/SS, check for understanding, shows anonymous answers in graphs.

Activ Boards

How it works: Interactive white board.

Procedures: Students can manipulate activity designed by the teacher. Students can design their own.

When it is appropriate: Workstations, whole group, check for understanding, during the lesson cycle, input/set, save student work.

Total Physical Response

How it works: Movement of whole body

Procedures: Personal space, signal to stop, space in the room, appropriate responses, affirmation/positive reinforcement

When it is appropriate: New concepts, Abstract concepts, ELL, multiple intelligence/learning styles, any content area.

Flash Cards

How it works: Recall information

Procedures: With a partner or independent, timed, how to self check

When it is appropriate: Review concepts already taught, check for understanding, warm-up, centers

Role Play

How it works: Active participation, very engaging, expresses knowledge in a different way, kinesthetic style of learning, helps to internalize knowledge

Procedures: Content, set clear expectations, model acceptable behavior, assign roles

When it is



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