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Absent Parent

Essay by   •  September 23, 2013  •  Essay  •  1,046 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,830 Views

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The method of data collection is to tie the objectives to the research questions. Data collection procedures are appropriate and very important for this study because it is the procedures that will be used based on the type of survey that was taken also based on the age group surveyed for pertinent information involving the research process. When dealing with teen pregnancies you must make sure that all your information is correct and you have the parental consent from the parents of the teens. The research used a group of teen girls from 19 years of age to younger using a genogram interview by Gerson and McGoldrick (1986). This revealed patterns of molestation, medical issues and substance abuse. Some of the teens used in this study where emancipated by law, so parental consent was not a big factor. The researcher made sure not to disclose any personal information on the teens or their families. Only giving out the age of the girls when they became pregnant, and what contributed to the rise in the teen pregnancies.Trying to find the reliability and validity of the study, the qualitative and quantitative must be considered. Reliability and validity demonstrates communication of the process and the dependability of the findings. When conducting research it must avoid misleading representations or participants. Qualitative data is descriptive. Soft data,

qualitative, is gathered through informal communications during the study. Qualitative data adds color to the research and is not concerned with the outcomes of the study. Quantitative is the hard data, the numbers of the research. This includes the statistics of the data that is collected (Neutens & Rubinson, 2010). Validity is a study that a subtle concept measures data accurately providing useful and trustworthy findings. Qualitative data is descriptive. Soft data, qualitative, is gathered through informal communications during the study. According to this study 25% of births in the U.S. to teens are not the first child of these mothers. In fact 30 to 50% of teen mothers who are younger than 18 will give birth again within two years. . The researcher in this article was looking at young girls from 19 years old to younger to see what type of life style they were subjected too. Researchers used six women from two different families where each woman represented one generation in her family that had experience adolescent motherhood. The study shows that intergenerational patterns have influence in the area of adolescent pregnancy. It also shows serious attendants situations in families that experience successive adolescent pregnancy. Researchers feel that if they can break the family patterns of secrecy, substance use and molestation this

could possible stop the rupturing of family relationships. Interventions programs introduced to teens show a reduction in the rate of repeat teen pregnancies. School-based programs over a nine-year period show a 17.8% reduction.

The way this data is appropriate is how the researcher made sure to protect the identity of the participants. This research also gave all information on the study and the patients at any time could get out of the research and their names would never be used.




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