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A Stereotype You Witness Being Assigned for Certain People

Essay by   •  March 26, 2012  •  Essay  •  882 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,044 Views

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A stereotype you witness being assigned for certain people

Arabians are certain people I've witness being stereotyped because of the nine eleven attack in New York. A lot of people believe that Arabians are tourist and going to blow them up and or attack them some or even afraid to be around Arabians at any given time. I've known its' been hard for some Arabian kids to go to school just because of the situation and their race. The students sometime commit suicide because of all the teasing. It's a shame that Arabians get centered out all just of the one situation, not all Arabians are the same they all have their own mind and ways. There are a lot of people mistaken for Arabians. Easily by the way they dress or wear the hair wraps. Not only Arabians wear hair wraps there are people from Egypt and Moroccan that I know of they also get mistaken for and Arabian. Arabians are not given a chance to express themselves or show who they really are they are judge from the start especially the ones who do wear the hair wraps.

Another stereotyped I've witness being assigned for certain people are black people well that's my point of view being a black person myself. I have a couple reasons to this. One some of are accused of stealing I've been followed around a store before and I didn't like it one bit as if I have no money. It's also been plenty of times I've been to an upscale store I would not be greeted, but any other race that came in behind me was greeted it feels bad I've even had to


Confront the store about it, saying how do you expect me to buy something out the store and not

get treated the same? It's just not fair. Also over this weekend I went out to lunch my boyfriend

and I were the only blacks dinning in shortly after us a group of whites come in maybe five minutes after us. And they got served first I was so offended I never thought they would still do that in a restaurant. Blacks are always given the title as a thug not all blacks are thugs, actually what is a real definition of a thug? Blacks are also called ghetto in that term of being loud doing crazy things in public, if the world have done there research they would know that the word ghetto comes from the Jews. Which was a secluded area in the middle of nowhere the Jews were restricted to certain areas. Blacks are just like everyone else just that our skin tone is different all people are the same.

A lot of people have been stereotyped in some kind of way during their lifetime. A person can not only be stereotyped by the color of their skin but by other factors also. People have been stereotyped because



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