A Philosophical Argument of Religion
Essay by dontrael1 • May 5, 2013 • Essay • 1,680 Words (7 Pages) • 2,234 Views
A Philosophical Argument of Religion & Morality
In past as well as the present and near future there will be the Philosophical arguments for the existence of God, Spiritual beliefs and the existence of an all-powerful being. Religion is purely based to categorize organized methods of worship. There are also numerous religions in society today that have their own "God". The ethical argument of "existence is the basic dispute that that particular religious/group defends.
Many arguments for the existence of God and against the existence of God have been a long philosophical tradition. This is known as the Ontological Proof argument (Mosser, 2010). Ontological" comes from the Greek word for "being," and the ontological argument depends, fundamentally, on the nature of God(Ashford) There are multiple sides of the existence of God or a high being. The first argument would be from the Christian truth of that Christianity believe is God is a being, not what but who. God consists of God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit. People usually sometimes separate these three, but in actuality they are one and the same. I grew up in a major denomination called the Church n God in Christ. In our church we had shouting, speaking in tongues, baptismal pool etc.
Other Closely related religions and denominations such as Judaism (Jewish), Buddhism (Chinese) and Islamic (Arab) have other individual relationships with a supreme being as well. Buddhism for example praise/worships a Buddhist statue known as the Great Buddha. Since statures are physical, does that mean they shouldn't be respected and accepted by society? Some people connect with their "God" through prayer, songs, sex, even though the connection of nature itself (wick ken).
Many argue that religion is fake, not real, just an invisible thought through one's mind; and that even miracles do not exist. Philosophers such as Karl Marx (Peterson, 2009) disagrees that religion is real. Marx's analysis and critique of religion is perhaps one of the most famous and most quoted by theist and atheist alike. According to Marx, religion is an expression of material realities and economic injustice. (Cline, 2006).
Karl Marx sees religion as a useless tool, only used to pacify the suffering (Raines, 2002). Basically he sees it as a feel good measure to help escape an individual's problems or a Band-Aid of temporary happiness. Marx criticizes religion and says it must be seen for what it is; an inverted conscious. I disagree with Marx's theory as well as all of those who are against atheist views. The bible which being the oldest known book to man, says "I am God and the one true God". What would be Marx's theory on the bible and where it came from? I believe in miracles, looking after one's neighbor and attending church service regularly or at least frequently. I believe in heaven and hell. Supporters of the Christianity faith such as Bishop Blake, Joel Osteen, and Paula White have criticized those who don't believe in Christianity.
Those who identify God with nature, usually dismiss divine revelation as a superstition (Donogan, 1999). Many of us have heard this question. Which comes first? The chicken or the egg? This theory known as The Cosmological or First Cause Proof is based on everything, then, that exists, does so because something else caused it to exist (Mosser, 2010). St. Thomas Aquinas argument debates have caused him much criticism. Aquinas states that God's existence isn't relevant to us. If there's a God, where is he and what proof can one provide for the argument of God's existence? The ontological argument refers to God is the perfect being. As He is most perfect, He must have all perfections. If God lacked existence He would not be perfect, as He is perfect he must exist (Moore, 2008).
Many scientist and other individuals who question the existence of a creator, believes the universe emerge from a foundation of a Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang theory is science's best explanation of how the universe was created. Its described as two galaxies exploded and began expanding very rapidly, eventually cooling and forming into the now known universe. The Big Bang theory was originally developed in the late 1920s by Lemaitre, a Belgian Catholic priest, scientist and astronomer. This of course is not a very favorable theory with followers of the Christian faith; which believe that God created man and Earth. Yet many scientists also suggested that theoretically not possible for such a vast atmospheric feat of space and time to have exist or have taken place. Other theory's that many believe would be that man transformed from a monkey to ape to a man which is known as Neurophilosophy. Neurophilosophy is the Philosophy of a natural result as monkeys to man walking on two legs.
In Neuroscientific theories concepts and arguments have led to similar identify other theories of mammal to human transfer such as the philosophy of Endogenous Remyelination; which