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A Hrm Reflective Overview

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A HRM Reflective Overview

Human Resource Management (HRM) has relatively been adopted by businesses and organizations, taking precedence over personnel management. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we know just what HRM entails. "HRM is a function implemented in organizations that enable effective use of its employees to attain organizational and individual goals. However, there are other terms, which are interchangeable with HRM and include personnel and employee development (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 597)". Furthermore, it is just as beneficial to understand that HRM involves characteristics that focus on horizontal control by reducing the hierarchy, in which the role of human resource professionals is to support and assist managers who have the direct responsibility of managing personnel.

First, considering that HRM is proactive in terms of corporate planning, where organizations recognize employees that have the potential to develop and grow. "HRM must establish specific organizational needs for the use of its competence, assess its use and approval among other departments, and educate management and employees about the accessibility and use of HRM services" (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 35). Thus, making the primary role of HRM a way to specify an employee's potential and develop its correlation with the needs of the organization. Not to mention, embracing the idea, that management and general workforce share a common interest in achieving success. This leaves organizations worldwide, developing an operative Human Resource Management (HRM) department; as a way to reach organizational achievement by successfully collaborating the goals and missions it has established with the workforce.

Although there are many functions of an effective Human Resource Management plan, it takes all of them working in conjunction, to ensure that the company runs accurately and remains compliant in laws and regulations set by local, state and federal agencies. The system must maintain a sense of continuity within each function in order for it to work efficiently. The functions of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Affirmative Action, Recruitment, Planning and Selection are just a few functions of an effective HRM department. The promotion and development of an organization's workforce is imperative to an effective HRM department. "After all, without an effective HR strategy to support the recruitment and selection functions within an organization, it would be impossible for it to move fast enough to stay competitive (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 127)".

HRM departments are also in charge of other functions, such as compensation and benefits, while maintaining the number one priority for an organization's success, the health and safety of its employees. Last but not least, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws and Affirmative Action Plans that are essential for employee and labor relations, they also ensure that the organization remains compliant with the local labor laws. "An Equal Employment Opportunity employer must design a program that prohibits employment discrimination or take corrective action in an attempt to offset any previous employment discrimination acts" (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 595). Although the function of EEO starts before an employee's recruitment, it usually ends with the individual employee, once terminated from the organization. Therefore, Human Resource Management teams must adapt to this law well before they consider employing a new employee to fill a position within the organization. "Either way, EEO affects almost every situation in Human Resource Management, such as recruiting, training, terminating, compensating, evaluating, planning, disciplining, and last but not least, collective bargaining" (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 65). It is my belief that EEO is extremely significant, with a much-needed program that provides assistance to employees with regards to acts of discrimination, lack of compensation, ethical issues, such as race/ethnicity, religion and even sexual harassment. All of which are too common in today's global environment.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is accountable for implementing laws that make it illegal to discriminate against an employee or applicant because of; race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or hereditary information. Additionally; discrimination against an employee complaining to upper management about a discrimination issue, filing a case of discrimination, or joining in an employment discrimination investigation/litigation, is prohibited. Essentially, the laws apply to all types of work situations which include; hiring, firing, promotions, training, wages, and even benefits.

Furthermore, focusing attention on the functions of recruitment and planning/selection, which are equally significant to organizational success, we must first understand the meaning of each function. "For instance, recruitment refers to organizational actions that influence the number of applicants who apply for a position and determine whether the applicants qualify for positions offered by the organization. It is now that potential employees have the opportunity to visit with a member senior management for the first time" (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 184). I truly believe that first impressions are essential for just about anything in life and seeking a trusted employer is one of those important times. As with my employer, they conduct a telephone meeting first, which is usually informal and meant to get a respectable personal impression. For instance, they may ask questions ranging from what motivates you, to the types of hobbies you find most appealing. Therefore, considering the time spent and the questions asked during the first interview, it makes the formal portion of the interview a more pleasant experience.

This brings us to the development of new employees, which is yet another noteworthy function of a company's HRM department. As with my current position in the managerial staff, my role plays an extremely valuable function in the development of new employees. I'm expected to know and communicate the company's goals, missions, and vision for future growth, in a way that it aligns the employee's needs with the organization's strategy for success. During this development process, new employees must undergo a two-week training/orientation program which covers all aspects of their duties along with the expectations of the company. "In general, the orientation procedure correlates to what sociologists call socialization. Socialization, occurs when a new employee learns the norms, values, procedures, and patterns of behavior expected within the organization" (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 411).



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