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tattoos Essays and Term Papers

Last update: May 19, 2015
  • Gang Members Tattoos

    Gang Members Tattoos

    Gang Tattoos 1) What are the meaning/ significance of the tattoos? 2) Why do gang members get certain tattoos on certain parts of their bodies? (Ex: Tear drop tattoo on the face) 3) How are the tattoos identifiable by other fellow gang members and law enforcement? 4) Male and female, age range 13-20 Meaning/ Significance of tattoos Gang members tattoo their bodies to show membership of the gang they are in. They also get the

    Essay Length: 646 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: August 8, 2011 Essay by Maxi
  • Teenagers and Tattoos

    Teenagers and Tattoos

    Andre Martin's essay, "On Teenagers and Tattoos" discusses the cons of tattoos and piercings on teenagers. Although valid points are made, he views tattoos as a whole, as mutilations and cries for attention. He addresses how tattoos are a form of identity and ownership, as well as a permanent marking upon the body. The individual is in complete control and it gives teenagers the sense of stability that they long for. While valid points, Martin

    Essay Length: 990 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: December 5, 2011 Essay by Nicolas
  • Tattoos Case

    Tattoos Case

    Why are people doing it? This is probably the most asked question by individuals that does not have any tattoos and just do not understand why people are getting them. Tutoring those specific individuals on tattooing and maybe lifting the blanket from these popular phenomena that are growing by the day would help the critics understand. One should not judge individuals in the 21st century, before one has some background knowledge on the history of

    Essay Length: 475 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2012 Essay by Wilma123
  • The Bar Code Tattoo

    The Bar Code Tattoo

    The Bar Code Tattoo is a book about Government control, the rights of an individual and coming of age. We are all controlled by the government in some kind of small or big way. But could you imagine having a bar code imprinted on you just to identify you? In 2025, alex the Human Genome project has finally understood the entirety of the human genetic code, enough to have the code imprinted on to bar

    Essay Length: 501 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: April 1, 2012 Essay by Stella
  • Tattoos Should Stop

    Tattoos Should Stop

    Peoples should not allow having art in their bodies as called, Tattoos. They are many reasons why peoples choose to have tattoos. Some reasons are those people who are in jail or in gangs, and some have tattoos as a habit of initiation or logo of membership. For example, military have tattoos to express loyalty; and women with tattoos are having tattoos with their children names, and a celebration of 40th or 50th birthday. Also

    Essay Length: 559 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: April 27, 2012 Essay by Greek
  • Perceptions on People with Tattoos and Piercing

    Perceptions on People with Tattoos and Piercing

    "Perceptions on People with Tattoos and Piercing" The goal of this study is to understand society's perception towards people with tattoos and piercing. People sometimes misjudge other people because of their appearance and we want to know why. We think that piercing and tattoos can be art for the body and there should not be any judgment just because someone has a drawing in his or her body or a hole for an earring. Through

    Essay Length: 735 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 20, 2012 Essay by koolz1334
  • The Barcode Tattoo

    The Barcode Tattoo

    This story takes place in the year 2025. Money isn't valid anymore only credit cards. until their 17 they they are supposed to get the tattoo. The main character Kayla starts out being 16 years old. She's brave and artistic. She finds out by her guidance counselor at Winfrey High School that she is likely to be denied a scholarship to an art school. All because her computer grades are to low. On Kayla's 17th

    Essay Length: 253 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: December 11, 2013 Essay by rockenizzy
  • Why Do People Get Tattoos?

    Why Do People Get Tattoos?

    Why Do People Get Tattoos? As I sat there for 2 hours watching Katie getting stabbed thousands of times per second, I thought to myself, “why on earth do so many people dream of getting tattoos? Why would someone be so excited to get stabbed so much to the point where they were bleeding just to harm themselves?” I still ask myself the same questions. What I did know was that a couple of weeks

    Essay Length: 850 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: October 29, 2015 Essay by maddie_moreno