Uniqlo Davidson's 6 Requirement
Essay by nurad95 • November 12, 2016 • Case Study • 7,049 Words (29 Pages) • 1,523 Views
Table of Contents
Task 1 2
Based on the company you have chosen, please discuss the following questions. 2
a) Identify and analyse the mission statement based on nine criteria. 2
b) By using Davidson’s six requirements, identify and analyse the vision of the company. 11
c) Explain and evaluate the objectives of the company by using SMART criteria. 14
d) Explain how strategic decision of the company impacts its stakeholders. 19
e) Based on Mintzberg managerial roles, identify and explain the differences of management roles, and responsibilities from two selected departments. 21
References 25
Task 1
Based on the company you have chosen, please discuss the following questions.
Changing Clothes. Change The World.
UNIQLO is a Japanese casual wear designer, manufacturer and retailer. Originally UNIQLO is a division of Fast Retailing Co. Ltd., on November 1, 2005, it restructured as a separate wholly owned subsidiary called UNIQLO Co. Ltd. It is a Japan’s leading clothing retail chain in terms of both sales and profits. The company operates in lots of places such as China, Hong Kong, South Korea, United Kingdom, France, United States, Singapore, Taiwan Russia, Malaysia and many more. “To them, clothes are items the individual chooses to express a personal lifestyle that’s exciting and enjoyable” (Jun, 2010). All the clothes are constantly refined to offer excellent in design, quality and technology, at affordable prices. Their value is extraordinary.
a) Identify and analyse the mission statement based on nine criteria.
Mission statement in business is a company’s statement that shows on what is their business, why are they here, and why do they exist. Every mission need to fulfil specific criteria to be a complete statement that can perfectly be a goal and aim for a company. There are 9 criteria to be identify and analyse in UNIQLO’s company mission which are Customers, Products or Services, Concern for Public Image, Concern for Employee, Technology, Self-Concept, Markets, Philosophy and Concern for Survival, Growth and Profitability.
Based on the UNIQLO’s 2015 annual report I got from Fast Retailing website, there are 2 UNIQLO’s mission which are to create truly great clothing with new and unique value, and to enable people all over the world to experience the joy, happiness and satisfaction of wearing such great clothes and to enrich people’s lives through our unique corporate activities, and to seek to grow and develop our company in unity with society (Fast Retailing, 2015). The 9 criteria will be extract from the missions to see whether UNIQLO’s mission have a complete statement that can help them to achieve their aims and goals.
The statement that describe about customers is “enabling people all over the world to experience the joy, happiness and satisfaction”. The reason is because the people who will enjoy their product is the customers. Every company is built to satisfy their customers, so an effective mission statement is the one who include their customers as their goals. There are also another statement in the mission that state about customers which is “enrich people’s lives”. Here we can conclude that UNIQLO is focusing on their customers to make sure they give their very best for the customers.
Diagram 1 : Customer’s review on Uniqlo’s product. (Urstadt, 2010)
Based on diagram above, we can see that the customer with a username called Cheesy14 is very satisfied with UNIQLO’s product. This shows that UNIQLO is achieving their mission. First she stated that she loves UNIQLO, which shows the joy and happiness of the customer towards the company. Then she stated about their products which are the clothes where she said it is classic and comfortable to wear where UNIQLO really makes the customer satisfied with their product. Satisfaction also occurs as the customer stated about the customer service is amazing that shows UNIQLO is enriching people lives. Thus, UNIQLO have successfully achieved one of their mission which is customer.
Products or Services
The statement that shows about products is “to create truly great clothing with new and unique value” and “wearing such great clothes”. The word that describe product are clothing and clothes. UNIQLO’s product is clothes so in order to achieve the goals of their product, they need to put about product in their mission statement to show the effectiveness of their mission. Based on Diagram 1, Cherry14 stated that the product is high quality but with reasonable prices, this shows that UNIQLO create great clothing that have unique value on its product. Based on Diagram 2 below, Annie state that the size of the product she bought is never been a problem, where here shows that satisfactions convey in term of product.
Diagram 2 : A review from customer about customer satisfaction (Annie, 2016)
As statement for services, “experience the joy, happiness and satisfaction" shows that UNIQLO wants their customer to experience a good experience in terms of services with UNIQLO. Based on diagram above, services from UNIQLO is a big thumbs up because the customer named Annie state that the product arrived is very fast and reliable, meaning that Annie get satisfaction for good services from UNIQLO in terms of postage. Next, Annie gets a good experience in the store as the staff there is very helpful. It means that UNIQLO does give good services that brings happiness and joy to their customer. Based on Diagram 1 also, she said that the customer service is amazing. Here it shows how good the services that is given from UNIQLO. Here we can conclude that UNIQLO does give good services to their customers. Thus, UNIQLO have successfully achieved one of their mission which is product or services.
The statement that shows about markets in the mission statement is “all over the world”. Which means UNIQLO did not focus only one specific area or place, but around the world. Even though UNIQLO is a Japanese casual wear designer, manufacturer and retailer, but