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Uncle Tom's Cabin Summary

Essay by   •  January 8, 2012  •  Essay  •  579 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,470 Views

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Uncle Tom's Cabin is a story of a group of slaves on their journey towards freedom and independence from the slave trade. The main character of the book, Uncle Tom, goes through rough times when he is sent to a different plantation, growing close to the family, only to be sold by a hostile wife and beaten to death for helping two of his fellow slaves escape.

The book starts off with Arthur Shelby and his wife, Emily Shelby, discussing plans to sell two of their slaves in order to pay the debt they owe. The two slaves up for trade are Uncle Tom, and Emily's maid, Eliza's, son, Harry. During the discussion, Emily's maid overhears them talking and warns Uncle Tom and his wife, Aunt Chloe. Chloe runs away with Harry up north to meet George Harris, Harry's father in Canada. Uncle Tom makes his wave on a boat, transporting him to the auction. While on the boat, a girl, Eva, falls over and Tom rescues her. The girl's father, Augustine St. Clare, agrees to buy Tom.

At Augustine's plantation, Tom grows close to the family. Augustine feels as blacks have the right as any other human being, but tolerates slaves because he cannot do anything about it. His cousin, Ophelia, feels the exact opposite. However, Ophelia is forced to teach a black girl, Topsy, in order to change her state of mind towards blacks, and it works.

After two years living on the plantation with the St. Clair's, Eva falls ill and dies. This had a major effect on everyone, including Augustine, who decides to set Tom free but dies in a fight. Tom is then sold by Augustine's wife to a nasty man by the name of Simon Legree. Legree tortures Tom almost everyday for no apparent reason; one being which he chose not to whip a fellow slave. On his new plantation, Tom meets Cassy and Emmeline, sex slaves to Legree. Tom helps the two escape, and covers for them while they are gone. While Legree knows Tom knows something about their whereabouts, Tom doesn't say a word. This angers Legree, and Tom is brutally beaten by his overseers. Cassy and Emmeline make it to freedom, and meet up with Eliza, only to find out Eliza is Cassey's long lost daughter. The family venture off to live in France. Arthur's son sets free of all his slaves in recognition of Uncle Tom's sacrifice.

During slavery, many slaves were abused and mistreated for their mind and bodies. For example, George Harris made an invention that cleaned hemp faster than any human could. Jealous, his mater punishes and humiliates him very often. George took care of himself, spoke properly and looked like a well kept man. Feeling inferior, his master put him to work in unbearable conditions and even killed his dog. Another example is Cassey. Hired by Simon Legree as a sex slave, her body was used for his enjoyment. Not knowing that she lost a child to slavery, and killed another due to her not being able to take care of it.

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