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The Piaget's Theory

Essay by   •  November 2, 2013  •  Essay  •  244 Words (1 Pages)  •  8,375 Views

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According to the Piaget's theory of cognitive development, there are two stages in the thinking pattern of a 3-year old preschooler and 9-year-old student. They are the preoperational stage for the 2 to 7 year old and the concrete operations stage for the 9 year old. The 3 year old is in the preoperational stage, this is where a young child can mentally represent and refer to objects and events with words or pictures, and they can pretend. However, they can't conserve, logically, reason, or simultaneously consider many characteristics of an object. The 9 year old is in the concrete operations where a child is at the able to conserve, reverse their thinking, and classify objects in terms of their many characteristics. They can also think logically and understand analogies but only about concrete events. An example of a three year old is that he refers to objects and events with words, but is unable to reason yet. An example of a 9 year is used in the text, is when pennies are laid out in two equal lines. When the pennies in the top line are spaced out, the child who cannot yet conserve will centrate on the top line and assume that there are actually more pennies in that line. The thinking patterns of a 3 year is preschooler is based on preoperational an example of this is that they can refer to objects with words or pictures and they can pretend.



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