Refugee's Case
Essay by cameryn101 • August 21, 2013 • Essay • 834 Words (4 Pages) • 1,414 Views
English assignment:
Five key points that where made about refugees in this video
-Refugees had lost their human rights and dignity in result to what had happened. In example their education and freedom was taken away from them.
-Refugees where overpowered by the military force that was exhorted upon them which had resulted in scarce numbers of refugees in the local area and had brought fear and disempowerment.
-Refugees where denied help from other people, meaning they had to face the traumatic and challenging experience on their own.
-Their identity was suddenly unknown and non-existent, as to say they where just burdens to mankind and forgotten by society.
-To emphasise amongst the audience the welfare of the refugee in the video, showing how health and happiness was taken away from her.
Buchannan's purpose in creating this video was to emphasise his idea of the struggles and traumatic experiences that refugees have to face in a worst-case scenario. His idea was to enforce a message upon all Australians that things need to change, and people need to realise what is really going on in our economic world. he inflicted the message upon through emotive language and techniques.
A technique that was used in David Buchanan's "Video Oxfam Refugee Realities" was Sound effect. An example of this technique is when he used military convey sirens, firearms shooting and Aircraft. The use of sound effect conveyed to the audience the realities of living as a refugee and to add atmosphere to the video e.g. when the overpowering sounds of military conveys, aircraft, shooting and sirens where played in the video it had an affect on the responder, creating a fearful brutal demonstration to be thought of the military on the refugees.
The Second Technique that was used was in the video was symbolism. When the video showed the signpost reading "known" and "unknown" the use of symbolism used in the video emphasised the idea of how refugees where treated and how they are shown as non existent to mankind and having a loss of direction in life. The Author was trying to further educate the audience on how refugees are treated in worst-case scenarios and the lack of attention they get from other people.
The final technique that was used in the video was Close up shot. The young girl's home letterbox changing from "neighbourhood watch" to "neighbourhood watched". This technique depicted the audience on how refugees live in fear due to the military taking away their privacy and freedom and making inflicting upon the audience the idea that refugees had a decreased quality of life.