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Is Today's Government Living up to the Preamble?

Essay by   •  February 23, 2012  •  Essay  •  516 Words (3 Pages)  •  5,051 Views

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"Is today's government living up to the Preamble?"

In the Constitution there are three parts. The first part to the Constitution is called The Preamble which is consisted of six purposes. The six purposes are to form a more perfect union , establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessing of liberty. To get in more details; the first purpose is to form a more perfect union which was because, in 1787 the US was struggling to maintain itself as one united country. Therefore they started to put states' rights rather than one national government, making a stronger national government to eliminate the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The second purpose is to establish justice which is to insure that people are treated fairly and have equal protection under the law. The third purpose is to insure domestic tranquility which is to maintain peace within a country. The fourth is to provide for the common defense which is that the government has the responsibility to defend our nation from foreign enemies. The fifth purpose of the Preamble is to promote the general welfare that is the services that the government povides to the people of the US; like healthcare, food, income, education, and much more. Finally, the six purpose is to secure the blessings of liberty which means that the government has the responsibility to make sure everyone in the US has freedom as long as it does not interfere with someone elses freedom. Now lets talk about how the government have been living up to the Preamble; first of all , all states are being united by many things like the elections. ALL states get to have a say on the elections keeping up the first purpose. The government is living up to the second purpose by making decisions fairly for example in a court it doesn't matter if the person is black, or white, or chinese, or cuban, or a women, or a man everything is at the same playing field. With the third purpose the government always keeps all states living in peace by respecting the laws that was established in each states. As well as the government tryes to keep us safe from terrorists and general people that are enemies to the state, the government accompleshes this by putting high security in the airports and border fronts between states that are not part of the 50 states like Mexico and Canada. Talking about the fifth purpose of the Preamble the government is doing a great job, the government provides the citizens of the US with health care, food, shelter if neede they help us a lot. Finally the six purpose which is to secure the blessing of liberty the government allows everyone to be able to speek of course with small limitations that is for our own safety. For example we can't have freedom if we are taking it away from someone else also we can't be saying we are going to kill someone



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