E-Marketing 'price Doesn't Rule the Web; Trust Does.'
Essay by Stella • May 27, 2012 • Research Paper • 2,048 Words (9 Pages) • 2,091 Views
'Price doesn't rule the web; trust does.'
Offline Buying Process:
(Pamela Huddaoff, 2009)
1. Awareness
When the consumer becomes aware of a need or want they need satisfied. It stimulates the consumers search for information about the need, want or problem they may have. TV, magazines, internet, newspapers and sales personnel may be sources of information. People may now notice more advertisements that can solve this need want or problem as they are actively looking for information. (Pamela Huddaoff, 2009)
2. Frame The Need
The consumer has gathered information and has now settled on a particular way of thinking communicating the need, want, or problem. The frame is the way the consumer narrows down the possibilities. This thinking will stick with them throughout the rest of the buying process. (Pamela Huddaoff, 2009)
E.g., "need a drink" now becomes "I need to go to a shop to buy a drink."
3. Research The Framed Need
The consumer now understands their need, want or problem. General information is no longer required and research into specific areas how to satisfy it now occurs. Possible return to influences they may play a role. (Pamela Huddaoff, 2009) They now know what is required in order to satisfy their needs. "I need to go to a shop."
4. Define Decision Criteria
The consumer now has a deeper level of understanding and possible solutions. Factors that may influence the decision are:
* Situational, what is the immediacy of their need.
* Knowledge base, depth of their understanding of the need and solution
. (Pamela Huddaoff, 2009)
"How thirsty am I? What drink is best?"
5. Narrow The Alternatives
The consumer now knows alternatives for their decision. They understand how each alternative meets their criteria and then narrows down alternatives based on criteria. (Pamela Huddaoff, 2009)
"This shop is closest, but they don't have the drink I want."
6. Select An Alternative
The decision is part knowledge, part emotion. The knowledge is the questions and answers they have gained through their concerns. The emotion benefits, pleasures and senses they gain through the purchase. (Pamela Huddaoff, 2009)
"I want water and centra is a ten minute walk longer, but I know they will have what I want."
7. Make The Purchase
Purchase is not complete until money changes hands. Consumer needs to go from selected to product to purchase. Many things can get in the way, such as preferred channel does not carry the product or it is out of stock. (Pamela Huddaoff, 2009)
8. Re-evaluate the decision
Consumer compares the product with expected product performance. If the product is not to their liking they will return the product and also complain about the product experience, if not to the company, to many friends, family etc. (Pamela Huddaoff, 2009)
On Line Buying Process:
1. Awareness
The consumer is Aware of the need, want and problem. Can become aware through on site advertisements; opt in e-mails, search engines or featured products etc. (Chaffey and Smith, 2008)
2. Findability
The consumer now will search using keywords, product codes and faceted searches.(Chaffey and Smith, 2008) The average consumer will spend no more than 15 seconds on your page searching for what they are looking for.
3. Evaluation
The consumer will then look at such things as reviews and ratings, information on price, availability and delivery, pictures, and online product guides etc. to gather information in order to compare. (Chaffey and Smith, 2008)
4. Decision
The information has been gathered and compared it is time for the decision. Such things that can help towards the final decision are security guarantee's, service promise, discounts and call to actions can all be deciding factors. . (Chaffey and Smith, 2008)
5. Purchase
Transaction has been made. The consumer will look for choice like delivery options, gift options etc. (Chaffey and Smith, 2008)
6. Support
The consumer now seeks support like e-mail notifications, parcel tracking, order history and a section on the website for FAQ's, to reassure themselves that it was the right decision. . (Chaffey and Smith, 2008)
7. Rewards
Unlike off line buying process, the consumer expects to form a relationship through the web after their purchase. Companies can fulfill this through e-newsletters, competitions, loyalty schemes and personalized recommendations. . (Chaffey and Smith, 2008)
The online and offline differ for consumers because they expect after services with online buying process in order to ensure that they have made the right decision and feel secure.
What Motivates Customers to Go Online (6 p's)
* Content
Should support other channels. This often means more detailed information, information supports the buying process or product usage. (Chaffey and Smith, 2008, pg143)
* Customization
Mass customization delivers personalized