Don't Get Me Started on... Religion!
Essay by Sammy97 • January 27, 2013 • Essay • 507 Words (3 Pages) • 1,665 Views
Don't Get Me Started On... Religion!
Religion. I don't hate it. I don't love it. But, it is one of the most annoying things in my life. A way of life, for many is my worst nightmare. People praying to a God or Gods, they don't know exist, is beyond my understanding. Maybe I am not opening my mind to the possibility of a supreme being that controls our very existence. However, for many years I have tried to believe in my religion. This concept shows pathways for a lot of people, but I need proof I can't just do what religion tells me to!
One of the things that I loathe about religion are the servants of God: Priests, Imams etc. They think they are smarter than everybody, yes, they know almost everything about their religion but they don't know about science, maths or maybe even English. I have heard they are so dumb they don't even like the fact that so many people think that science is right about the Big Bang Theory. Some even say there must have been a God who made the Big Bang. These people have blocked their minds from everything around them and closed them selves within their religious views.
Another thing that religion has is, almost impossible to follow, rules. I understand rules are important but to worship something five times a day to show obedience is absurd. In Islam it is compulsory to pray or you go to hell and an "angel" that sits on your left shoulder will write it down, this is called goonha (it also means punishment in the after life for committing a sin). The rule maker seems to think we have no life of our own that we must have someone else to think up a timetable for us. In some religions there are also rules when you can or cannot eat. For example in Islam there is a month called Ramadan when we must fast for 30 days. Muslims have to eat before the Sun rises and once the Sun has set. It is absolute torture (I should know). I think God wanted to kill of the weak through this month.
I've heard that religion brings peace to the world. Imagine the world where everyone has a religion. Lets paint the picture; birds singing in the trees, animals running in the fields, people living in nice cottages.... Wait a minute! SMASH! Picture gone because religion doesn't bring peace it brings dreadful, deadly, disastrous war... dum, dum, duuuuuuum. I bet we all know about the world wars. Yes? Good. Well many of us know it was Hitler who started it, because he wanted to rule the world. I understand, I mean who doesn't want to have a world of their own? Actually everybody, (who isn't in a storybook). That's not the point; one of the other reasons that the wars happened is because of Hitler's hatred towards the Jews (Jewish people).
Like I said religion causes madness. GOD when will it all end!